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Recovery First

Celebrating Recovery
CCAR.UK CIC was born from our desire to create a ripple effect of positivity, to transform lives through Recovery"

Naetha Uren RCP: Founder

Our Story

We are a Community Interest Company (CIC) dedicated to Coaching, Community, Advocacy & Recovery (CCAR). We are a UK registered CIC, located in Lincolnshire, UK 


As a family in recovery, we know from personal experience the amazing positive impact recovery coaching can make.


We support individuals, families, and communities who want to access and utilise recovery coaching to combat substance use disorder and improve recovery communities in the UK and abroad.

We train and advocate for Recovery Coaching in order to have a positive impact on individuals, families and communities; to share hope.

By promoting Recovery through advocacy, education and service, we strive to open new doors and remove barriers to recovery, maintain and sustain recovery regardless of the pathway, all the while ensuring that all people in recovery, and people seeking recovery, are treated with dignity and respect.

Our people 

CCAR.UK Naetha

Director, Recovery Coach, Facilitator, Trainer

Naetha Uren

Director, Expert, Advisor

Kelly Nicoll

Director, Recovery Coach, Strategist

Caron Pollard

Our Mission

Our mission is to put Recovery First.

​Our mission is to organise the recovery coaching community to make recovery and recovery coaching visible. To facilitate recovery coach training and support recovery coaches to support people in recovery, and to advocate recovery for everyone. We believe there should be multiple pathways of recovery open to everyone.


Team work
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